14) BẢO HIỂM SỨC KHỎE OBAMACARE CÓ GÌ LẠ?… | obama care คือ

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This video is about Obama health care


Would Hayek Have Approved Obamacare?

Would Friedrich Hayek the Nobelwinning economist who inspired Margaret Thatcher’s freemarket reforms and is a hero to libertarians everywhere have supported Obamacare?
\”He would have been in favor of mandates,\” George Mason University philosopy professor Erik Angner tells Reason’s Nick Gillespie. \”The first thing to know about Hayek is that he was actually for redistribution,\” continues the author of 2007’s Hayek and Natural Law.
While stressing Hayek’s aversion to topdown economic planning and governmental interference with the price system, the Swedishborn scholar nonetheless points to works such as The Road to Serfdom and The Constitution of Liberty in which Hayek flatly endorses a publicly provided social safety net and, like another freemarket intellectual giant, Milton Friedman, discusses a guaranteed minimum income.
In a controversial Politco oped published in 2012, Angner wrote that while Britain’s National Health System and the pricerigging elements of Obamacare violate Hayekian principles, creating an individual mandate and giving poor Americans some amount of money to spend on health care as they see fit does not. To Angner, vouchers for health care would function similarly to vouchers for education, helping to create stronger market forces and spurring the sort of competition that would lead to a more efficient and robust system.
\”You can be for markets without being against redistribution,\” says Angner, who argues that Hayek thus offers a true alternative to contemporary liberals and leftists on the one hand and libertarians and conservatives on the other.
Produced by Amanda Winkler. Camera by Meredith Bragg and Amanda Winkler.
About 8 minutes.
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Would Hayek Have Approved Obamacare?

the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) explained: impact on the US healthcare system \u0026 current status

hey all! I’m Sabrina, an incoming firstyear medical student at the University of Chicago and a health policy researcher (concentrating on health equity and delivery system reform.)
I received a few requests for an overview of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare so that’s what we’re doing today! in this video, I review how the ACA has changed the U.S. healthcare system, why the ACA is so controversial, and the consequences of the numerous legal and legislative challenges to the ACA. if you’re looking for a broader introduction to the U.S. healthcare system, check out my first health policy video here: https://youtu.be/F9C9im5XbG4
0:48 what the affordable care act does: an overview
1:08 payment and delivery system reform
2:04 expanding healthcare coverage
3:47 expanding medicaid
5:05 large employer mandate
5:32 individual mandate
7:10 why the ACA is controversial
8:37 legal and legislative challenges to the affordable care act
8:48 Supreme Court cases Florida vs. US Dept. of Health \u0026 Human Services, National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius
10:07 Republican American Health Care Act of 2017
sources mentioned:
0:25 the U.S. healthcare system explained: a health policy primer https://youtu.be/F9C9im5XbG4
1:49 Health Affairs article on the ACA’s delivery system reforms https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hblog20200312.516650/full/:~:text=The%20ACA%20included%20a%20number,fee%2Dfor%2Dservice%20system
1:55 my explanation of valuebased payment and payment reform (timestamp 9:48) https://youtu.be/F9C9im5XbG4?t=588
2:15 2010 uninsurance rate https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhis/earlyrelease/insur201106.htm:~:text=Lack%20of%20health%20insurance%20coverage,In%202010%2C%20the\u0026text=Among%20adults%20aged%2018%E2%80%9364,time%20of%20interview%20in%202010
3:00 2018 uninsurance rate https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2019/demo/p60267.pdf
3:05 The ACA’s impact on uninsurance rates https://www.kff.org/reportsection/theuninsuredandtheacaaprimerkeyfactsabouthealthinsuranceandtheuninsuredamidstchangestotheaffordablecareacthowmanypeopleareuninsured/
6:52 Vox video on the individual mandate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8n8gYVdThg
8:15 cost of Medicaid expansion balanced by reduced costs in other areas https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issuebriefs/2020/may/impactmedicaidexpansionstatesbudgets
8:48 summary of Supreme Court decision on Florida v. US DHHS and National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius https://www.oyez.org/cases/2011/11393
9:17 map of Medicaid expansion states https://www.kff.org/medicaid/issuebrief/statusofstatemedicaidexpansiondecisionsinteractivemap/
9:58 2019 premiums stable despite elimination of the individual mandate penalty https://www.kff.org/privateinsurance/issuebrief/individualinsurancemarketperformancein2019/

the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) explained: impact on the US healthcare system \u0026 current status

Obamacare 2020 ✅ Todo lo que Necesitas Saber

✅ Actualización Obamacare 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgS16hxmLug
1. Es una Ley: Siiii, Obamacare es una ley, no un seguro médico.
2. Principales cambios del Obamacare para el 2020:
✔️ Eliminaron las condiciones preexistentes
✔️ El gobierno otorga un subsidio fiscal a partir de los ingresos del núcleo familiar.
✔️ La obligación de tener un seguro médico, retirado en las inscripciones para el 2019
3. Aspectos fundamentales que cubre en Obamacare:
✔️ Atención primaria
✔️ Especialistas
✔️ Laboratorios
✔️ Hospitalización
✔️ Emergencias
✔️ Tratamiento para personas con problemas mentales y de abuso de sustancias
✔️ Atención a mujeres embarazadas y el parto.
4. Requisitos para calificar:
✔️ Tener un status migratorio aprobado
✔️ Ingresos según la tabla de Pobreza Federal
✔️ Tarjeta de Seguro Social o Social Security Card
5. Como pueden inscribirse:
✔️ Hay un periodo abierto de inscripción del 1ro de noviembre al 15 de Diciembre
✔️ Pueden inscribirse fuera de ese periodo todo el que califique para un periodo especial de inscripción por haberse mudado de estado, casarse o divorciarse, el nacimiento de un hijo, la perdida de cobertura anterior por el trabajo, Medicaid, etc
Pueden llamarnos al 📲 786 326 8804 o venir a nuestras oficinas en el 🏢9520 SW 40th ST Ste 208 Miami FL 33165

Obamacare 2020 ✅ Todo lo que Necesitas Saber

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